A quiet place to stay in Shiojiri

A quiet place to stay in Shiojiri

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Mount Fuji from Lake Suwako 2016/12/28

Sunday, December 25, 2016

6 people stayed over (Airbnb)

Ok so they booked for 6 people. Told me they would arrive around 19:00 hrs. Then they arrived after midnight. No problem there because the house has a key code.

When they left, the house was a complete mess. They kept their shoes on inside the house. This you don't do in Japan. It is clearly indicated in my house rules.

They moved the sofa for some reason.
They moved the futons for some reason.

Left the trash out like homeless people. Why are there're trash cans when we can just trow it on a
pile right next to them.

They turned the heater and gas up to maximum. They must like saunas. 55c they must like melting in the tub.

They took apart my bedroom light and disconnected the cables.

His brother is an electrician. Ah ok, maybe he was interested in Japanese lights. 

Used slippers to go outside

95% of guests are very nice but some days, some days!!!

At least is nice outside

Xmas day spent cleaning

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Guest cancels the day before (Airbnb)

Ok, so Sunday comes and before I go to bed. I get a guest canceling his next day booking.
He was nice but I still did all that work getting the house ready for Monday.

Oh well, I have a strict cancelation policy. So that means I still get my money.  I'll offer him him a huge discount if he books again in the future.

My car is still fucked tho.

Still driving this to work. Need to wear a warm hat at night otherwise I'll freeze in my car.

Maybe there'll be progress tomorrow

Christmas presents are ready to be wrapped

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Busy day cleaning (Airbnb guests)

Well, last night another guy drove his car into my car again.
Thats the 6th time in 7 years living here.
All accidents have always been the other drivers fault. This one, I might have to pay some money. Not sure.

So me and the guy who hit my car park our cars in a company parking lot nearby.
Call the cops, ok they show up.
Cops are nice. Then a truck driver wants to enter the parking area of that company and he goes mental yelling at the police like a crazy maniac, insulting them.

What do the Japanese policemen do?
They take their hats of and apologize not stop for about 1O min. Only In Japan. If that happens anywhere else. You would probably learn what these are:

Car door won't open, probably expensive.
Had to drive it today to go clean my house. 6 people staying over tomorrow.
Busy life

Took me a couple hrs to clean the house, last guests were clean so that's always helpful, but still a lot of work.

 I think I did ok, looks clean!!!

Some extra warm blankets

Some guests leave me presents, I think my daughter my like these!!

This newcastle united app isn't working 

tried so many times but its just a waist of money

my car got hit again, I knew it was coming its a crazy drive here in Japan 
wonderful xmas present 

can't think about it

you lot have a good night\